Sunday Service
8.30a + 9.45a + 11.15a
Good News Kids (Birth – 5th Grade) +
Teen Crew (6th-12th Grade)
Monday Service
Good News Kids (Birth – 5 Years Old)
Live Sermon
Sunday 10.15a
good news
We believe the timeless truths of the Bible and the story of God they explain. We don’t just want to know these truths, but live them as well. Our statement of beliefs is organized as a narrative of how we become + bring the good news to our neighborhood.
our sin punctured the perfection of creation and ruptured man’s relationship with God + each other.
Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross + resurrection from the grave makes provision for man’s sin once + for all.
when the Holy Spirit opens a person’s mind + heart to acknowledge their sin + Jesus’ substitution, they receive the gift of salvation.
The pattern of Biblical giving is described most concisely in 2 Corinthians 9.6-7, consistent + sacrificial + generous + cheerful.
We want our church to model these ideals, both in how our members give to the church and in how our Church gives to our community.